Our 2024 Bloomsburg Fair Queen, Alyssa Bergenstock, at right, and alternate, Kadence Rhone, at left. The 2024 Bloomsburg Fair Queen Program is sponsored by Your Choice Convenience in Lime Ridge.
HISTORY ⏤ In 2019, for the first time, The Bloomsburg Fair hosted a Fair Queen. The Inaugural Bloomsburg Fair Queen competition, exclusively sponsored by First Keystone Community Bank, was conducted under the umbrella of the PA State Fair Queen Program and observed all rules and regulations of that organization. Nicolette Cusate was chosen as the first Bloomsburg Fair Queen.
In 2020, the 2nd Annual Fair Queen competition was held and Bryndil Lei Kemler won the crown. Kemler is a graduate of Central Columbia High School attended Penn College of Technology in their Surveying Technology program. Although there was no fair held in September because of the Covid pandemic, she appeared at various other functions as allowed.
In 2021, the 3rd Annual Fair Queen competition was held and Madison Coolbaugh, of Berwick, was chosen as the Bloomsburg Fair Queen. She is a graduate of Berwick High School and is attended Wilkes University for a BSN in nursing and hopes to become a Life Flight nurse. She is also a volunteer firefighter with Reliance Fire Company of Berwick.
In 2022, the 4th Annual Fair Queen competition was held. Abigail Jerome, daughter of the Rev. Andrew Jerome and the late Michaelene “Micki” Jerome, of Wilkes-Barre, was crowned the Bloomsburg Fair Queen during judging and coronation held at the fairgrounds that June. She represented the Bloomsburg Fair at community events and visits to other fairs throughout the state and Jerome went on to compete at the state fair queen competition in January 2023, as Bloomsburg’s fourth Fair Queen. The 2023 state fair queen contest, sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs (PSACF) at the Pennsylvania Fairs & Showmen Convention held in Hershey, PA on January 21, 2023, was held and Abigail was crowned Miss Congeniality, bringing a state title home to Bloomsburg for the first time.
In June 2023, the 5th annual Bloomsburg Fair Queen competition took place and the 2022 Bloomsburg Fair Queen Alternate, Kylie Kingston, of Bloomsburg, was crowned queen, beginning her reign for the current year. Lillian Whitenight, of Benton, was crowned alternate queen.
In June 2024, the 6th annual Bloomsburg Fair Queen competition was held and Alyssa Bergenstock, of Danville, was crowned queen. Kadence Rhone, of Orangeville, was crowned alternate queen.
MORE INFORMATION ⏤ Following the State Fair queen competition in January of each year, the Bloomsburg Fair Queen Committee starts planning for the next year’s competition. Letters are sent out to each school district in the Columbia-Montour County area, as well as Bloomsburg’s Commonweath University. The program is conducted under the auspices of the Pennsylvania State Fair Queen competition and applications are generally submitted to the committee for review in April. The competition and coronation is set up with a panel of three judges and a June date.
For more information visit the Pennsylvania State Fair Queen web site at:
For information about Bloomsburg Fair Queen, visit:
Bloomsburg Fair Queen on the fair’s web site
Bloomsburg Fair Queen’s official web site
Bloomsburg Fair Queen’s page on Facebook
Visit these pages for past fair queen information and history:
5th Bloomsburg Fair Queen — 2023
4th Bloomsburg Fair Queen — 2022
3rd Bloomsburg Fair Queen — 2021